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Introducing anankelogy

Updated: May 1

All the social sciences seek answers to serve our many needs. Anankelogy is a new social science, to understand the needs themselves. Anankelogy recognizes how a core need—like water, friendship or solitude—exist as an objective fact. We subjectively experience them after the objective fact of independently requiring it to function. That means each core need can be empirically observed, much the way we use empirical measures in the other social sciences. And it means we can apply the discipline of science to address our many problems.


Which do you find preferable?

Our current social sciences sufficiently finds answers for our needs.


Create a social science that understands the needs themselves.


Need some answers to your stubborn problems?

social sciences

All the social sciences seek answers to our many needs.

ANANKELOGY the study of need

Anankelogy is the new social science for understanding the needs themselves.


Just as Émile Durkheim help validate sociology by identifying social facts as empirical phenomena,

Émile Durkheim "social facts"

anankelogy identifies each core need as an objective fact.

core need = objective fact

You subjectively experience your needs only after the objective fact of your body requiring something to objectively function.

objective FUNCTION -> objective NEED -> subjective FEELING

magnifying glass

This opens our needs to empirical observation and scientific inquiry.

And can clear up a lot of problems!

book cover: You NEED This, Introducing Anankelogy, the study of need

Available on Amazon.

As an eBook or paperback.

ANANKELOGY FOUNDATION: resolve needs - remove pain - restore wellness

#short version


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