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Introducing anankelogy, the study of need

Anankelogy is the brainchild of Steph Turner, author of the book introducing this new academic field. Steph identifies as a transspirit, or someone who feels spiritually compelled to transcend cultural divisions in order to connect more deeply with all of life in order to resolve needs more fully.


Steph attributes the bulk of the insights into this new social science to spiritual wisdom. It's a wisdom Steph reports as a series of epiphanies that come naturally after resolving more and more needs. 


You may realize greater depths of reality that you never thought possible after more of your needs fully resolve. The more we unquestioningly go along with social norms for merely easing our needs or relieving the pain of our unmet needs, the more we see the world through a distorting lens. Anankelogy cuts a clear path through all this fog. 


Packed with 133 charts and diagrams, You NEED This provides many visual aids to help you see our experience of needs more clearly. Each of the six chapters subdivide into tightly organized sections, and numbered thoroughly for easy reference.


No other book makes such clear sense behind our different political views. You NEED This unpacks political views as an outward expression of our inward inflexible priority of needs. Unpacking our polarization is as simple, yet challenging, as love; of respecting other's different priority of needs as we would have them respect our different priority of needs.


Get your own copy of this book to better understand your own needs. Discover what your emotions are truly about. Appreciate our common ground, and our many differences. Replace the misunderstanding fueling popular outrage culture with greater love for one another. Let us all get back to our potential for greater love.

Purchase your eBook or paperback copy at Amazon.

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