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Wellness Initiative

A wellness initiative is a loosely organized effort to incentivize mutual support for each other's affected needs. It applies "responsivism" of mutually addressing each other's needs instead of resorting to hostile legal options. Such an initiative can start with any of the offered responsive interactive spreadsheet tools. You can do it yourself for free.

A wellness initiative addresses the needs on all sides of a situation. We trust such responsiveness to create better wellness outcomes than relying on hostile legal options. Or expecting psychological or medical interventions to fix things.

Compared to psychotherapy or legal advise, a wellness initiative is better positioned to effectively address the unmet needs driving all of our problems.

A wellness initiative begins with one of these for "responsive" spreadsheet tools. We suggest you start with the most basic one: Personally Responsive.

But you may urgently need to quickly speak truth to power with a Professionally or Powerfully Responsive effort. Start your wellness initiative with the tool that best fits your currrent need.

  • Personally Responsive: to deepen your immediate relations.

  • Properly Responsive: to grow your social capital.

  • Professionally Responsive: to mutually support each other's needs.

  • Powerfully Responsive: to address the needs laws exist to serve.

A wellness initiative unfolds in four progressing phases.

and the problem level addressed by each phase of the campaign


ALERT phase

to inform others


ASSESS phase

to gage responsiveness


AUDIT phase

to evaluate wellness


AVOW phase

to resolve needs

Wellness Initiative Cycle

Wellness depends on resolving needs. The more of your needs can fully resolve, the more well you will be. The fewer of your needs resolve, the less well and closer you to being sick.

This effort follows four key steps.

1. ALERT. You inform others of your intent to resolve needs, as mutually as possible. 

2. ASSESS. You gage their responsiveness to your invitation to participate in this mutually beneficially effort.

3. AUDIT. You evaluate how well your needs and their needs can resolve with this effort

4. AVOW. You commit to continue resolving needs to improve wellness, with or with the cooperation of others.​​

Wellness Initiative NR cycle.png

Wellness Initiative Overview

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ongoing initiative.jpg


Your wellness initiative essentially begins when you notify others of your intent to mutually address each other's needs. You print out and send them this one-page ALERT. Send the 2nd version to anyone invited after you've already begun

What gets measured gets done.


Your wellness initiative reorients others from legalistic norms to relating to the inflexible needs that flexible laws exist to serve. The first step checks how responsive are others to this reorientation to improve wellness outcomes.

ASSESS baseline responsiveness.jpg
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What gets audited gets done well.


Your wellness initiative builds significant momentum as you cultivate mutual support for wellness. You demonstrate the greater value of 'mutual regard' over toxic legalism. You chart a bold new course into cotagious wellness.

What gets rewarded gets repeated.


Your wellness initiative establishes your commitment to resolve needs with or without their cooperation. You either mutually resolve needs with them or distance yourself from such unresponsive folks who threaten to your wellness.

AVOW to resolve needs
Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya


Next recipient

You go through these four steps with each new person you engage with a responsive tool. You add them as a follower to your initiative as you reach out to next lucky person on your contactee list. You spread the love.

wrap up


You conclude your wellness initiative by providing social proof to those who supported your wellness needs with growing support. You incentivize those who impact your needs by boosting their "responsive reputation".

Group Meeting

Wellness Initiative Deep Dive

The Personally Responsive too serves as the ideal responsive tool to begin your wellness initiative.


Each subsequent tool adds more features to the previous tool.. As this hart shows.

Responsivism tool comparison chart

To explore how to utilize each wellness responsive tool, click here.

To explore how to strategically use them, click here.

To get support and guidance for optimally using these tools, scroll do

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Interactive spreadsheet tool for improving your relationships

Interactive spreadsheet tool for improving your relationships

Interactive spreadsheet tool for growing your social capital

Interactive spreadsheet tool for growing your social capital

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Pick a spreadsheet tool to start you wellness initiative

Proceed at your own pace.

Smiling Beautician

Responsivism Tools

Start a wellness initiative using any of these interactive spreadsheet tools.

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