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What You Can Do Here

Welcome to a new way to appreciate each other’s needs. The Anankelogy Foundation is a brand new organization. But we already have a system in place to onboard you into a budding movement. Let the steps below serve as your guide for your level of interest.

Some major changes coming soon

Visitor to a museum
1. When first checking out our website, we invite


2. When signing up to join us, we invite


On Her Laptop
Collaborating at Work
3. When ready to be a need-responder, we invite


  • to develop their life’s need-responsive potential by progressing through our development programs. The first one is free. The second costs less than a cup of coffee.

    • NR101 – to expand your discomfort zone.

    • NR201 – to turn conflicts into opportunities.

    • NR301 – to speak truth to power.

    • NR401 – to transform social structures.

4. When ready to go the next level, we invite

Qualified need-responders

  • to help us establish a pool of competent need-responders equipped to help others more fully resolve their needs;

  • to position themselves to be hired by powerholders who need us to improve their branding and for data impact to gage their leadership reach.

These aspects have to be built for this site. So stay tuned.

Professional Female
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