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Hands Up


Speak Truth to Power - Listen to Those Impacted


Build support to speak your truth to power with the power of love

Try our conciliatory approach to inspire those in authority over you to listen to how they impact you. Incentivize their support of your growth needs. Saybackr can help.

Honor needs of those in power to incentivize them to listen to you


Listen to those you impact toimprove your competencies

As someone with responsibility toward others under your authority, you lack sufficient impact data to lead effectively. You don't know what you don't know. Saybackr can help.

Improve your competencies as a leader with our conciliatory path

Saybackr creates a bridge between the powerless and the powerful, to resolve needs

Support Group Session

Saybackr is AF's first "need-responsive" project. This revolutionary platform aims to serve the many needs overlooked by our legalistic institutions. Both the judicial system and politics routinely fail to help us resolve our many exposed needs, leaving us in despair of our increasing anxieties and depression.


Instead of pitting parties against each other to offer relief to the winning side, Saybackr brings all sides together to relate more personally to each other's impacted needs. Its conciliatory process links powerholders and the relatively powerless to personally address their needs in good faith. 


The relatively powerless hold the powerful accountable to their publicly impacted needs. Powerholders earn legitimacy to outperform other leaders. Together, both sides replace destructive norms of alienation with each other's greater potential for love.



Saybackr is to serve as a hybrid public and private good. The Anankelogy Foundation sets the standards. It enforces "social love" as the higher standard. It economically incentivizes the public good of public wellness, by ensuring each involved demonstrates improved wellness outcomes before any service provider receives full payment.


Value Relating serves as its first contracted private provider. Other for-profit providers are expected to identifying wellness needs that can be better served by this conciliatory and engaging model. Think of a doctor getting well paid while serving a nonprofit hospital. But instead of relieving pain, the need-responder provider removes cause for pain by helping to resolve the underlying needs.


Saybackr provides the primary platform for this new profession of need-response. Here is where need-responders coordinate wellness campaigns that bring the powerful and the vulnerable together to mutually support each other. 


Saybackr welcomes already existing entities to learn how to utilize this fresh new approach to better serve its mission. Need-response can be complementary or competitive to other entities such as legal institutions or psychological institutions.


We welcome everyone to see how this new platform can serve the many underserved needs of our failing institutions. We welcome you to help spread the love of respecting the needs of others as your healthiest self would have them respect yours.


Putting norms first 


Your needs tend to be poorly served by institutions. They tend to put norms first, which somehow should satisfy your needs. Most institutions based in law (namely politics and judiciary) pit us against each other with their categories of convenience. Let's face it, our problems cannot be fully solved by selfishly opposing each other as "accuser" and "accused" or as "conservative" and "liberal". We need a more conciliatory alterative.


We need something to address our specific needs. Something that will effectively reduce rates of severe anxiety and major depression. Something worthy of our trust to reduce pain and addictions. Something worthy of our potential to be more loving to each other. Welcome to need-response as that refreshing alternative, and the Saybackr platform that brings this new hope to our hurting world.


Putting needs first


Instead of opposing each other to pursue some elusive win-lose outcome, in court or at the poll, let's pursue mutual support of each other's affected needs to create win-win outcomes. Let's stop trying in vain to fit adversarial categories that serve elite-led institutions more than the needs of the people they exist to serve. Social problems rarely get solved by simply opposing each other. Let's serve our needs over serving their institutions.


The more we can fully resolve our needs, the more we can reduce anxiety, decrease depression, and lower addiction rates. Saybackr exists to bring you the need-responsive alternative to our failing institutions. Saybackr can do a better job of restoring us all to wellness, by addressing our specific needs. Saybackr puts our needs ahead of impersonal norms. Saybackr inspires us to reach more of our potential to love one another in peace.


prioritizing impersonal norms

If in conflict with others, our institutions of law pit us against each other. Both adversarial justice and oppositional politics put divisive norms ahead of our personal needs. Ideally, these norms keep us honest by forcing us to face the good arguments of the other side.

In practice, however, prioritizing our differences does more to provoke our defensiveness, keep us alienated from each other, and reinforce our problems. This easily results in increased anxiety and depression, among other problems.


Our institutions ultimately fail. We no longer trust our institutions or their leaders. What we trusted to solve our problems now creates more problems.

Mutual Antagonism


If you lose in court or at the ballot, your painful needs remain unresolved. If you win, you may only get some relief from the pain of your unmet needs.


Either way, mutual antagonism keep you from fully resolving your needs. Which easily traps you in pain.

Antagonistic Powerholders


Government or other authorities rely on impersonal laws to keep us in check. They remain removed from the actual impacts from their contentious norms.


These divisive norms privilege the socially powerful to intimidate you from fully resolving your needs. Which diminishes the effectiveness of their leadership and compromises the legitimacy of their authority.


Society as a whole suffers from a failed judicial system and from polarizing politics unresponsive to their specific needs.


prioritizing personal needs

Saybackr provides a disciplined process for all involved in conflict, including powerful authorities, to carefully recognize, interpersonally relate, and more effectively resolve each other’s specified needs. This conciliatory process incentivizes each involved to measurably resolve their affected needs.

In practice, this replaces the norms of mutual defensiveness with mutual understanding, mutual engagement and mutual support. All involved take an active role to more fully resolve needs, which removes causes for pain and underlying maladies, while raising individual and shared functioning.


This conciliatory process aims to replace everyday outrage with more of our potential for love.

Mutual Supports


Instead of opposing each other, we learn more about each other’s inflexible needs. Instead of struggling in isolation, we support each other’s affected needs. Instead of evoking pain, we nurture each other’s potential for greater love.

Supportive Powerholders


Instead of relying heavily on impersonal laws, Saybackr holds all powerholders accountable to their impact on publicly exposed needs. This conciliatory process supports powerholders to earn their legitimacy by how well they measurably help resolve needs.


The relatively powerless incentivize the powerful to be more responsive to their publicly exposed needs. The more these powerholders can be linked to extraordinary outcomes, the greater their brand of leadership.

How It Works

Saybackr provides a conciliatory process to incentivize all involved in a public conflict to more fully resolve their affected needs. 

Lone Walk

Step 1

Powerless builds social support for resolving shared need, then launches crowdfunding campaign

Motivational Speaker

Step 2

Powerholders incentivized to invest in cause, then receive impact data and credentials for demonstrated leadership

Hands Together

Step 3

Powerholders and powerless work together in a conciliatory process to support resolving each other’s needs

Value Model

When platform users launch campaign to resolve needs, they hire private providers to optimize their reach to powerholders. Together, they utilize platform and its features to crowdfund their campaign to more fully resolve their shared needs.


Saybackr collects 10% of each crowdfunded campaign, and charges a set monthly amount for each hosted private provider. Any excess after covering costs goes to a "pool" for site users to invest in their cause of resolving shared needs.

Green Pattern

Free to join, hires professional advocacy providers

site users

Green Pattern

Billed monthly to use site, charges users separately

hosted providers

Green Pattern

Receives 10% of each crowdfunded campaign


Overarching Purpose



For the powerless

The relatively powerless struggle with addictions primarily to cope with pain from powerholders. They need a conciliatory alternative to the adversarial options of law.


For the powerful

The relatively powerful unlikely  knows who they contribute to the addictions of the vulnerable. We provide a conciliatory approach to turn negative into positive impacts. 


For society

Our institutions fail from relying too heavily on impersonal norms. Saybackr offers a bold and refreshing alternative, to support everyone's wellness needs.


Why Now?

  • wrongful convictions

  • polarized politics

  • distrusted institutions

  • growing anxiety

  • deepening depression

  • increasing loneliness

  • deaths of despair

  • societal collapse?

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