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G02 Law Principle

Our laws do not govern but guide; our needs govern.

G02 Law Principle

Image: Pixabay – Kriemer (click on meme to see source image)


The more you have a particular need that runs counter to a particular law, the less that law can actually govern you. Laws can only guide your actions toward respecting the needs of others. The objective fact of your core needs literally governs your behavior more than the relatively subjective constructs of law. Forcing yourself to fit some law at odds with your need could result in depression.


Which do you think is more likely?

What many of us assume based on popular generalizations.


What we can now understand with anankelogical insight.


Here is where we explore this principle in relation to academic anankelogy. For now, this serves as placeholder text. When I find the time, I will post the full deal here.


Here is where apply this principle as need-responders. For now, this serves as placeholder text. When I find the time, I will post the full deal here.

Reactive Problem

Let’s get to the problem that this principle is set to address. . For now, this serves as placeholder text. When I find the time, I will post the full deal here.

Responsive Solution

Let’s now get right to how this principle can solve that problem. . For now, this serves as placeholder text. When I find the time, I will post the full deal here.

How does this speak to your experience of needs?

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  1. Quote the principle you are responding to, and its identifier letter & number. Let’s be specific.

  2. Demonstrate need-responsiveness in your interactions here. Let’s respect each other.

  3. Engage supportive feedback from others on this platform. Let’s grow together.


Together, let’s improve our need-responsiveness. Together, let’s spread some love.

See other principles in this category

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