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Check out the only programs qualifying need-responders

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Only the Anankelogy Foundation is currently prepared to teach and train candidates to serve as qualified need-responders. View our Development page to check our current programs. More programs are to be added as we ramp up and gain traction. If you are interested in becoming a qualified need-responder, you can participate in the first programs for free. Then you can decide if this opportunity is a good fit for you. We provide internal opportunities to test your new skills. Then mentor your initial attempts to verify your marketable need-responsive skills in the real world. Explore these programs below.


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Stock image: empty green chalkboard

Which would you prefer?

Pay high tuition bills to eventually become a qualified need-responder.


Start free and attract financial support as you gain highly marketable competencies.

This service continues to evolve to respond to expressed needs. Bear with us as we add, edit and change these programs offerings. Only the programs with a green VIEW button are currently available. Each greyed-out VIEW button takes you to the Development page.

You may find us in continual beta, as we try to keep pace with your changing needs. We will pivot where necessary. We welcome your feedback to these programs, and stay open to your suggestions. These programs exist to serve your institutionally overlooked needs.

We start with these seven areas of programs. Find one that speaks to you. Some of these are free. Each provide a one liner description (or will have one when we finish creating them). Click the right arrow at its left to get more details about that program.

They all help you improve your marketability by helping you be demonstrably more responsive to people's needs. Often in ways not addressed by any other available public option. Below, you can offer your own feedback to these programs.

Explore these programs as you see fit.


1. Anankelogy basics

These programs are all based on the book You NEED This. These focus mostly on academic anankelogy. If you've read the book already, you may find this content as a helpful refresher. They all are free. Each invites you to donate to help us offset our costs. We trust you will find it worth whatever you can give.

  1. An101: Need creation — covering chapter 1 material of the You NEED This book

  2. An102: Need conveyance — covering chapter 2 material of the You NEED This book)

  3. An103: Need experience — covering chapter 3 material of the You NEED This book)

  4. An104: Need easement — covering chapter 4 material of the You NEED This book)

  5. An105: Functioning — covering chapter 5 material of the You NEED This book)

  6. An106: Knowing — covering chapter 6 material of the You NEED This book)

1.1) Anankelogy 101: Need creation

Public - FREE - Self-paced | 8 weeks

Go back to the very beginning to understand the foundation of our needs.

​An101: Need creation

1.2) Anankelogy 102: Need conveyance

Public - FREE - Self-paced | 8 weeks

Realize emotions and feelings only exist to convey your needs.

​An102: Need conveyance

1.3) Anankelogy 103: Need experience

Public - FREE - Self-paced | 8 weeks

Explore the natural process for how you experience each need.

​An103: Need experience

1.4) Anankelogy 104: Need easement

Public - FREE - Self-paced | 8 weeks

Discover the options for easing your needs and the results.

​An104: Need easement

1.5) Anankelogy 105: Functioning

Public - FREE - Self-paced | 8 weeks

Realize how we go through four different levels of functioning.

​An105: Functioning

1.6) Anankelogy 106: Knowing

Public - FREE - Self-paced | 8 weeks

Learn how your needs shape what you know.

​An106: Knowing


2. Need-response introduction

These programs initiate you to applied anankelogy's new professional service of need-response. These begin your journey as a qualified need-responder.

  1. An501: NR overview — outline of the current elements in need-responding

  2. An502: RI wellness campaign — what is and how to build a wellness campaign

  3. An503: NR ticket — step-by-step guide for using this central tool for need-responding

  4. An504: NR process — covers the alert-assess-audit-avow need-responding process

2.1) An501: Need-response overview


Runs you through an outline of all the current elements in need-responding.

AN501: NR overview

2.2) An502: Reporting impactee wellness campaign


Gives you an in-depth understanding of building a wellness campaign.

An502: RI wellness campaign

2.3) An503: Need-response ticket


Walks you through a step-by-step guide for using this central tool for need-responding.

An503: NR ticket

2.4) An504: Need-response process


Walks you through the alert-assess-audit-avow cycle in the need-responding process.

An504: NR process


3. Need-responder standard qualifier

These programs zero in a key qualifications to serve as a need-responder. These key skills can set you apart from other professional services and their disappointing institutions.

  1. NR101: Personal need-responder – overcoming your pain

  2. NR201: Social need-responder – dissolving your conflicts

  3. NR301: Influential need-responder – incentivizing power to love

  4. NR401: Transformative need-responder – transforming social norms

3.1) NR101: Personal need-responder

Public - FREE - Self-paced | No time limit

Your initial qualification demonstrates your ability to resolve needs as it hurts.

​NR101: Personal need-responder

3.2) NR201: Social need-responder

Public - $5 - Self-paced | No time limit

Your follow-up qualification lets you neutralize hostilities with the power of "social love".

​NR102: Social need-responder

3.3) NR301: Influential need-responder

Public - $25 - Self-paced | No time limit

You learn to speak truth to power with our preferrable conciliatory alternative.

​NR103: Influential need-responder

3.4) NR401: Transformative need-responder

Public - $75 - Self-paced | No time limit

Take competitive competencies up a notch to transform social norms.

​NR104: Transformative need-responder


4. Need-responder training

These programs test what you have learned in the previous programs.

  1. NR601: Roleplay as RI – experience being the RI client

  2. NR701: NR practice – your first try as a need-responder

  3. NR801: NR apprenticeship – assist a lead need-responder

  4. NR901: NR mastership – a lead need-responder assists you

4.1) NR601: Roleplay as a reporting impactee client


Learn how to best serve a vulnerable RI client by first being one.

NR601: Roleplay as a reporting impactee

4.2) NR701: Need-responder practice


Virtually go through the whole process of serving a reporting impactee client.

NR701: Need-responder practice

4.3) NR801: Need-responder apprenticeship


Serve as assistant need-responder to a leading need-responder serving an actual RI.

NR801: Need-responder apprenticeship

4.4) NR901: Need-responder mastership


Serve your own RI client(s) under the supervision of a leading need-responder trainer.

NR901: Need-responder mastership


5. Need-responder specializations

These elective programs can help need-responders serve a likely lucrative niche market.

  1. NR102: Unpacking psychosocial orientation – understand political differences

  2. NR103: Unpacking oppo culture legalism – the judiciary & its oppo culture

  3. NR202: Depolarizing political conflicts – inflexible priorities over flexible contentions

  4. NR203: Declaring overlooked innocence – estimating viability of innocence claims

5.1) NR102: Unpacking psychosocial orientation


Develop the unique skill to get to the root of anyone’s political differences.

​NR102: Unpacking psychosocial orientation

5.2) NR103: Unpacking oppo culture legalism


Develop unique skill to transcend opposing adjudicated sides to address both needs.

​NR103: Unpacking oppo culture legalism

5.3) NR202: Depolarizing political conflicts


Develop the unique skill of building a solid bridge between antagonistic political sides.

​NR202: Depolarizing politics conflicts

5.4) NR203: Declaring overlooked innocence


Develop skills of addressing underserved needs of the wrongly convicted innocent.

​NR203: Declaring overlooked innocence


6. Saybackr pilot

These programs can be ready when we are ready to launch the Saybackr platform.

  1. NR302: Depolarizing Political Leaders – competitive political competency

  2. NR303: Deconflicting Judicial Leaders – competitive judicial competency

  3. NR402: Depolarizing Political Systems – transformative political leadership

  4. NR403: Deconflicting Judicial Systems – transformative judicial leadership

6.1) NR302: Depolarizing Political Leaders


Incentivize political leaders to be more responsive to needs with Harmony Politics.

​NR101: Personal need-responder

6.2) NR303: Deconflicting Judicial Leaders


Incentivize responsiveness to innocence claims with Estimated Innocence.

​NR102: Social need-responder

6.3) NR402: Transforming adversarial politics


Inspire political leaders to overcome polarization with Harmony Politics.

​NR103: Influential need-responder

6.4) NR403: Transforming adversarial justice


Inspire judicial leaders to clear the innocence with Estimated Innocence.

​NR104: Transformative need-responder


7. Other

These add-on programs provide opportunity to grow the need-responder community whose dependence on a full-time job can create opportunities to demonstrate need-responsiveness.

  1. Job interview prep – go through interactive tool on your own

  2. Mock interview guide – in person practice HR interviewing

  3. Responsive interviewing – in person practice strategic interviewing

7.1) Job interview prep

Public - FREE - Self-paced | No time limit

Step-by-step guide through the interactive mock interview tool you download for free.

​NR101: Personal need-responder

7.2) Mock interview guide

Private - $75 - Self-paced | No time limit

Practice interviewing with a need-responder who's conducted hundreds of interviews.

​NR102: Social need-responder

7.3) Responsive interviewing

Private - $150 - Self-paced | No time limit

Practice need-responsive interviewing to show interviewee's competitive advantage.

​NR103: Influential need-responder


You can shape these programs qualifying need-responders

Go to the Development page to see what we currently have available. Come back later to see what new programs finally came online.


Other programs may emerge. Some of these may be discontinued, or radically change. Your input could help improve development of these programs. Especially as you start participating in them.

Did you find something you wish you could change? Or do you have a suggestion for a program that aptly applies the new focus on needs? Add your input in our Forum. Let's grow this together and practice our mutual respect for each other's needs.

To comment, you will have to first log in. If not yet a member, click the "JOIN the discussion..." button below.

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