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20 character refunctions restoring wellness

Updated: May 25

Character refunctions cover the universal principles found in many spiritual paths. Unlike other types of refunctions, you can personally restore wellness by applying these. Need-response utilizes these in a wellness campaign, when the campaigner exhausts all they can personally do to resolve the need behind their wellness goals.


Which do you perceive will be more effective?

Keep relying on impersonal rules and ideologies to try to fix our many problems.


Try relying on universal ethical principles to resolve the needs behind problems.

You can find all twenty of these character qualities in various scriptures. You can also find correlations throughout history between application of these laudable traits and improved functioning, or wellness. Likewise, you can observe how the less these principles get applied, the lower the ability to function.

Each of these positive qualities exist independent of their subjective interpretation and application. While the context can be relatively cultural, the applicability of such universal principles will affect human functioning the same across all cultures and across time.

For example, the less one forthrightly provides all relevant information to address a need that impacts another (i.e., dishonest), the lack of this vital information will objectively diminish the impacted person's ability to fully function. In other words, the less honest, the more problems. Not because of any belief a problem will emerge but because relevant information is objectively necessary to make good decisions to addressing the objective reality of unchosen needs.

Need-response utilizes these qualities as "character refunctions" that each individual can apply with or without others. A refunction is anything that restores function. Elsewhere, we cover refunctions at the interpersonal, power, and structural levels.

Check out these character refunctions and how they can improve your life.


ONE: Foundational relating

These qualities provide a bit of lubricant to the many frictions in life.

1. Gratitude

The more you show your thankfulness, the more your needs resolve.

2. Humility

The less arrogant you are toward others, the more your needs resolve.

3. Honesty

The more others hear you speak truthfully, the more your needs resolve.

4. Kindness

The more you pleasantly smile and encourage others, the more your needs resolve.

5. Gentleness

The softer you approach others in need of care, the more your needs resolve.

TWO: Renewing relationships

These qualities turn around the damage we sometimes do to each other.

6. Grace

The more you humbly admit your current imperfections, the more your needs resolve.

7. Forgiveness

The more you let go of your anger toward those who wronged you, the more your needs resolve.

8. Atonement

The more you rebuild your trustworthiness after admitting a wrong, the more your needs resolve.

9. Mercy

The more you let go of your rightful reaction to being wronged, the more your needs resolve.

10. Justice

The more you pursue what is fair for all, the more your needs resolve.

THREE: Life's challenges

These qualities equip you for the many pitfalls you face in life.

11. Endurance

The more of life’s discomforts you can boldly take, the more your needs resolve.

12. Perseverance

The further you apply yourself to what must be done, the more your needs resolve.

13. Discipline

The longer you can delay gratification for what you want, the more your needs resolve.

14. Equanimity

The more you can hold firm amidst calamity, the more your needs resolve.

15. Resilience

The more you get back up after being knocked down, the more your needs resolve.

FOUR: Reaching excellence

These qualities prepare you to rise to the occasion to fulfill more of your life's potential.

16. Patience

The longer you can wait for what you rightfully expect, the more your needs resolve.

17. Trustworthiness

The more you keep your word and do as you say, the more your needs resolve.

18. Generosity

The more you give of yourself to others in need, the more your needs resolve.

19. Empathy

The more you see through the eyes of others, the more your needs resolve.

20. Love

The more positive regard you show toward others, the more your needs resolve.

Character refunctions brochures.

You can download this list as a PDF trifold brochure. This printable brochure first opens in another tab.

front of trifold brochure

You can also download a copy which includes Bible references. Anankelogy recognizes each spiritual path serves human needs with universal principles like these. Eventually, we hope to provide a copy referencing all spiritual paths.

Character refunctions list with links

Use the link in each of these listed character refunctions to reference each helpful resource.

Cultivating character

You can nurture these qualities in our need-response development eCourses. The first one is free. The second costs less than a cup off coffee. Viewing these programs requires you to log in to ensure agreement with our terms of use.

Aims to develop your "easement orientation" from prioritizing relief to prioritizing resolve.

This course can help bring out your "life challenges" character refunctions:

  • endurance - the more you stretch your tolerance for discomfort, the more pain you can endure

  • perseverance - the more discomfort you can take, the longer you can persevere

  • discipline - the less you habitually react to pain, the longer you can delay satisfaction

  • equanimity - the less provoked by moments of pain, the more you can maintain calm

  • resilience - the more discomfort you can endure, the easier to bounce back from painful setbacks

NR201 Social Need-Responder

You begin to develop these qualities soon after signing up for a wellness warmup exercise. You employ kindness, generosity, empathy, and humility. By simply offering to do something that someone requires, you cultivate trustworthiness, gratitude, honesty, and love.

Need-response is all about resolving needs, to remove cause for pain, and restore wellness. Both your needs and the needs of others you impact. And just think how it often begins simple enough with one of these basic qualities.

If not enough to solve a problem facing you, these help establish your moral foundation. The more you demonstrate such qualities, the more you can attract others to co-create a solution to almost any problem. Essentially, that's what a wellness campaign is all about.

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