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Responsive Innocence

  Taking your "Estimated Innocence Report" to a new level  

fresh approach - download

from Value Relating, this next interactive form provides you an alternative to the unresponsive adversarial judicial process. 


You learn how to challenge the built-in limits of their legalistic adversarial approach with a more engaging mutuality approach toward exoneration.

If you already downloaded and filled out the Estimated Innocence Form

Try a fresh approach

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This Value Relating form supports a legal claim of actual innocence. You can use it to help innocence litigants quickly spot where in your case to get you or your loved one back into court.


But what if that proves insufficient? What recourse do you have if the adversarial system keeps refusing to hear your case? What if you need more than this...

For the neglected innocent

Innocence litigators and activists know they face an uphill battle when working within the adversarial system. They recognize the chances remain slip to clear all wrongly convicted innocents. Do we enable the unresponsive adversarial system when not challenging it with a more responsive alternative?

The unexonerated
Steph's cert of verifiable innocence

From challenge to opportunity

Despite my own compelling innocence claim, I've been repeatedly underserved by the adversarial judicial process. Instead of giving up in utter disappointment or disillusionment, I'm offering the failing judicial system a more responsive way. I'm showing them how need-response can reduce violence and crime by resolving more needs. Their antagonistic approach can accomplish only so much.

When the adversarial judicial process fails to recognize and correct its many mistakes,

it's time to consider a less antagonistic alternative. It's time to consider a viable alternative. It's time to replace their unresponsive adversarial approach with a much more responsive mutuality approach.


Need-response challenges the unresponsiveness of the adversarial process with a more responsive mutual process. Instead of opposing each other for only one side to win, need-response counters with a win-win option to respect the affected needs on all sides of a conflict. Who would oppose that?

From unresponsive to responsive

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If your EIR shows you have a strong or even a good claim for actual innocence, and the adversarial judicial process persists in denying your case, a wellness campaign can introduce all those involved to our more responsive alternative. A wellness campaign addresses the many underserved needs overlooked by the adversarial judicial process.

A wellness campaign

shifts focus from what serves the winner in a court battle to what resolves the unchosen needs on all sides of a conflict. In five phases, the campaign attracts support for your innocence by challenging the limits of the adversarial approach. It negates reluctance to address needs by addressing each other's affected needs.

wellness campaign overview
client assessment

Be skeptical before you try

This alternative works best for those giving up hope on the adversarial judicial process. This new approach may not work for you if there's still hope for a favorable adjudicated outcome. Before you try this alternative approach...

Follow one in progress

This alternative continues to evolve. It's founder is currently applying it to their own case. You can see for yourself how it works for them. 

Clients signing service agreement

Help make some history

Your input could help to improve this. Let's learn together how to incentivize these powerholders to improve their responsiveness to these opportunities. Let's support their career to create just outcomes by exonerating those the adversarial system fails. One responsive innocent at a time.

Currently requires MS Excel or reader to utilize.

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After you download the spreadsheet, it will open in PROTECTED VIEW. Click on Enable Editing to start using it. The form will not work until you do.

Ready to try a new way?

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