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Wellness campaign

A wellness campaign is an organized program to enable the relatively powerless to speak truth to power, while incentivizing the powerful to listen to those they powerfully impact. The campaign builds momentum in five phases. Its revolutionary design can offer you more hope to resolve needs more effectively than other available options.

Maybe a wellness campaign can serve your needs better than other standard options. Compared to psychotherapy or legal advise, a wellness campaign can address the neglected needs driving all of our problems.

To be sure, there is a place for psychotherapy and for getting legal advise. These can support a full wellness campaign. These standard options are designed to address personal problems or interpersonal conflicts. Politics was designed to address structural problems, but has become a structural problem. So why not try a service trying to solve all levels of human problems?

  • Personal problems: should be able to solve on your own with a little help.

  • Interpersonal problems: solvable with some cooperation with the other.

  • Power problems: solvable by those in positions of authority or "power".

  • Structural problems: solvable by transforming obstructive social norms.

A wellness campaign is designed to address each level of human problems in its progressing five phases.

and the problem level addressed by each phase of the campaign


BASE phase:

build your foundation

start addressing

personal problems


ALLY phase:

onboard your partner

start addressing

interpersonal problems


TEAM phase:

onboard peer support

continue addressing

interpersonal problems


GROW phase:

onboard the influential

start addressing

power problems


GOAL phase:

speak truth to power

start addressing

structural problems

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Your BASE phase​​

Your wellness campaign begins with your professional need-responder laying down a firm foundation with you. At this early stage, you work with your professional need-responder one-on-one.


Your ALLY phase

Your wellness campaign typically builds with a strong ally at your side. You identify the ally you can trust to speak on your behalf, and can make decisions in your absence. You can usually skip this phase.

Evaluation at Desk
Team Talk


Your TEAM phase

Your wellness campaign builds significant momentum as you cultivate peer support. Instead of assumed privacy of the therapist-client or attorney-client relationship, you invite others you know to invest in your wellness goals.


Your GROW phase

Your wellness campaign grows legs as it onboards those with significant influence and resources to help you reach your goals. You develop the skills to inspire the influential to mutually resolve needs with the power of love.

Business Meeting at Small Table
Dartboard Bullseye


Your GOAL phase

Your wellness campaign reaches its zenith when you can freely resolve your wellness needs with growing support. You incentivize those who powerfully impact your needs to earn legitimacy by enabling positive results for all.

The programs of five phases will be listed here when available.

      0. Wellness preview

  1. BASE phase

  2. ALLY phase

  3. TEAM phase

  4. GROW phase

  5. GOAL phase

What's involved in this five-phased program?

Click this button below to discover the details that go into each phase.

wellness campaign overview.jpg

Start or join a wellness campaign

Campaigner: starts a campaign

Where psychotherapy offers you treatment and lawyers offer you legal assistance, need-response offers you a wellness campaign. You identify how institutions and their powerholders poorly serve your needs. You counter not by adjusting to what you cannot change nor by challenging them directly but by reaching out to them to identify and respect their needs, as you would have them respect your needs.

Patron, supporter, or follower: join a campaign

Or you can join a wellness campaign already started by a campaigner. You can patronize the campaign with your direct support and engagement. Or you can support the campaign with less involvement. Or you can follow the campaign by receiving regular updates. Instead of leading the way to spread this new kind of professional love of mutually respecting needs, you can help spur this campaign with your mutual support.

Ready to start your adventurous journey?

Whether a campaigner or patron or supporter,

here is where we can all meet together online.

  • Campaigner

    Every month
    Solve a stubborn problem
     14 day free trial
    • Grow your “responsive reputation” with love
    • Learn to speak truth to power with courage
    • See how to resolve conflicts with mutual respect
    • Resolve more of your needs
    • Remove more of your pain
    • Reach more of your potential
    • Receive growing support to solve a major problem
    • Lead a team creating transformative change
  • Patron

    Every month
    Invest in campaigner's success
    • Grow your “responsive reputation” with love
    • Learn to speak truth to power with courage
    • See how to resolve conflicts with mutual respect
    • Resolve needs, remove pain, & raise potential
    • See how a campaign can serve you
    • Receive regular campaign updates
    • Join weekly online session
    • Give input on campaign decisions
    • Vote on campaign decisions
    • Follow along in online program
  • Supporter

    Every month
    Invest in campaigner's goal
    • Grow your “responsive reputation” with love
    • Learn to speak truth to power with courage
    • See how to resolve conflicts with mutual respect
    • Resolve needs, remove pain, & raise potential
    • Receive weekly progress reports
    • See how a campaign can help you
    • Join weekly online session
    • Give input on campaign decisions
  • Follower

    Follow campaign's development
    Free Plan
    • Grow your “responsive reputation” with love
    • Learn to speak truth to power with courage
    • See how to resolve conflicts with mutual respect
    • Resolve needs, remove pain, & raise potential
    • Receive weekly progress reports
    • See how a campaign can help you

Ready to start your adventurous journey?

Whether a campaigner or patron or supporter,

here is where we can all meet together online.

Before you make any commitment...

try our quick preview program 

to orient you to what it's about.

Smiling Beautician


Try this free 4-step program to see if a wellness campaign is right for you.

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