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Professionally Responsive

Incentivize professionals to support your wellness needs

Boost your reputation as more responsive to constituents

fresh approach - download

Responsivism is the belief and practice that responding to each other's needs produces far better results than hostile legal options.

Before suing a professional, 

consider the power dynamics. The more you rely on the expertise of a professional, the more they hold significant influence over you. We regard the influential professional as the "Ascribed Impactor" (AI) and you as the "Reporting Impactee" (RI). Responsivism levels the playing field between you both. Then cultivates far better outcomes.

power relation diagram: ascribed impactor heavier on scale than reporting impactee
"A natural nee is an objective fact." over a nature background

What do you specifically need?

Responsivism respects the needs on all sides of a situation or conflict. Only need-response affirms all needs as inflexible. Only need-response, and no other option, recognizes the reality that needs must resolve or problems inevitably result. While no one sits above the law, no law sits above our needs.

Engage each other's needs

Rise to your full potential to honor the needs of others as you would have them honor your own. Engage their needs to set the higher standard for them to engage your needs. Yes, even professional powerholders. Use this tool to go beyond failed legalism: Engage!

"Engage! Address our needs better than before" lettering over background of countless photos of individual people and bordered by arms reaching inward

Incentivizing wellness

This 21-page interactive spreadsheet is all about shifting power relations from hindering wellness to helping each other's wellness.


Hostile legal options to settle a score predictably results in more pain and problems. Mutual respect for each other's needs removes cause for pain as both work together to solve problems.​

Professionally Responsive

This serves as the third of four responsive tools for enhancing your wellness. Psychotherapists and lawyers typically only offer you relief from the pain of your problems. Responsivism gets to the core of such problems: each other's overlooked needs.


After you sharpen your responsiveness to your loved ones and to colleagues, you will be in a far better position to drill down to the needs of any situation or conflict you have with a professional.

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Brief Overview: menu

Click on the numbered items to quickly get to that page and section. Once there, you can click on the page header to return to the menu.


Click on the other buttons for more support. The instructions button is set by the view option on the next page.

Impacting each other's needs

Enter your name and the professional to receive this. You can leave wide field blank for now.


This wide field allows you to change the view between yourself the sender and the recipient professional. You set this view to the recipient before sending the completed version.

field for name of professional,  field for your name


One and a half pages of introduction orient you to this pioneering alternative to usually disappointing legal options.


These short paragraphs can help you decide if this tool fits your need and situation.

Toxic legalism

Responsivism exists to counter the limitations in our legal systems. The less it allows you to address your specific needs, the more you need a viable alternative that can help you to actually resolve your needs.


Legal options quickly turn toxic in at least five ways. Self-assess how much each point resonates with you. This helps to automatically calculate the Exaction Invoice you fill out later.

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Show the professional how much you appreciate them, that this will not negative like hostile legal options.


Select their profession and what they likely expect of you as the sender of this tool.

Costly power dynamics

Need-response positions you to properly address the undesirable negative impacts this professional may not realize they're imposing.


This responsivism tool helps you convert the costly impacts of such power dynamics into mutually beneficial outcomes.

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Exaction Invoice

Assert your right to express how such power relations impose hidden costs. You do not literally seek remission to these "charges" but make plain these transactional costs easily coerced and overlooked.


Specifically, you illuminate the likely correlation between your poor health outcomes and their coercive influence limiting your real choices.

Carrot & Stick approach

This process incentivizes the professional with a push-and-pull approach. You identify your hostile adversarial options and harmful avoidant options when dealing with the situation.


You offer to put all these unpleasant options on hold if the professional willingly tries this preferred approach.

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Branding Investment

You invite the professional to respond to your amicable offer. You cultivate a mutually beneficial accord by asking them these six items.


You either send them a copy of this interactive spreadsheet tool. Or you can download a PDF version and print it. Then hand them a paper copy.

Mutual Problem-Solving

Responsivism invites all sides to a situation or conflict to empathize with each other's affected needs. Mutually resolving needs mutually solves problems.


You pick the topic from a dropdown list. Then fill in the large white field to provide specifics. The more to the point and succinct, the better.

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Wellness Impacts

Responsivism uniquely connects your intensely affected emotions to your vulnerable wellbeing. If the situation evokes your persistent feeling, then your affected inflexible needs require attention.


You select among 20 key emotions this situation prompts you to feel. You and the professional then connect it to this needs you invite them to attend.

Applying character traits

Responsivism recognizes how we are either "feel-reactive" or "need-responsive" to situations and conflicts. Furthermore, it appreciates how you can be far more responsive when applying universal character traits to address the context.


You and the professional pick the most appropriate character quality to improve each other's ability to respond to each other's affected needs. This can add depth far more meaningful than reaching the immediate goal fo an agreeable solution.

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Responsive Reputation

Responsivism holds each other accountable to how responsive we are to each other's needs. It establishes an empirically measurable reputation for how responsive we are to each other's needs.


This reputation starts with how responsives each one demonstrates to the other. The more we hold each other accountable, the more responsive we tend to be to each other's vulnerable needs.

Action Plan

Make it plain. Give the professional some actionable steps to own this process. Help them visualize how beneficial this can be for their needs, and yours.


This strays into unchartered territory. These steps are invite the responsive professional to acknowledge their willingness by clicking on the 'RESPOND: Acknowledge receipt' button. We may adjust how this is done as we learn what works best for all.

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To incentivized the professional to participate, you offer social proof of their effective support to your wellness. Responsivism seeks to standardize this with a built-in template. You write and edit the specific problem for the professional to address.


This also is to be tested by market forces. And could be adjusted accordingly. Click on that SUGGESTIONS button to offer your own ideas for how this could best serve you.

Find this helpful?

Responsivism is provided to you for free. You can join us if you need some free community support.


If you need direct one-on-one support, you can schedule online sessions. The first one is free, as a trial offer. While the remaining sessions only cost $60 per 25-minute online session, we are offering a limited number of coupons to provide this for free until the end of September 2024. What's the catch? We need your helpful feedback and a testimonial to let others know if they can trust this.

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Responsivism leans heavily upon the available research on power relations. And the identified hidden costs of depression upon the population.


Mouse over the number to see that article's abstract. Each article links to its online PDF, but unfortunately some may no longer work. We will try to fix that for the next version.

Version 1.0

When scrolling through this early version, you may find a few things missing. This bare bones version is offered to help test its viability. 


Once it gains some traction, we will add more emotions and more options on the Appreciation page. We invite your feedback and suggestions.

Speak truth to power
incentivizing professionals to 
listen to those impacted

Currently requires MS Excel or reader to utilize.

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After you download the spreadsheet, it will open in PROTECTED VIEW. Click on Enable Editing to start using it. The form will not work until you do.

Ready to try a new way?

By using this tool, you agree with our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If these terms and this policy do not fit your need, you are not to use this tool. We welcome you to contact us to suggest how we can fit these to your particular needs.

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