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Introducing the new professional field accountably addressing our many needs
resolve more needs
remove more pain
reach more potential

What is need-response?

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Need-response is applied anankelogy. As a brand new professional field, it applies all that we can learn from the discipline of anankelogy. Now we can better understand and more fully resolve our many overlooked needs. No other options offers such a comprehensive scope for addressing problems.

Need-response offers two approaches to addressing your overlooked needs: an individualized wellness initiative and a group-focused wellness campaign.

  1. Wellness initiative. You download an interactive "responsive" tool that you personally utilize to address your overlooked needs. Each counters or complements the limits of legalistic activism with "responsivism". That's the belief that responding to inflexible needs produces better results than pursuing defensive-provoking legalistic options. 

    1. Responsive Wellness tools.​ These help you incentivize other's responsiveness to your needs by first being responsive to theirs.

    2. Responsive Development tools. These guide you to personally be more responsive to needs in ways hampered by legalistic norms.

    3. Responsive Specialized tools. These include two for challenging the failing institutions of criminal justice and polarized politics.

  2. Wellness campaign. You subscribe to a service that attracts support for your vision for a better world. You typically prepare for this commitment with a warmup exercise. These likely emerge from responsive wellness tools gaining traction. But can also be launched without trying any of the responsive tools or a wellness initiative. A wellness campaign likely emerges when taking a wellness initiative to the next level.


Need-response has yet to road tested on a grand scale. It earliest adoption appears promising.

Why need-response?

Ease pain only for winning side


Our legal institutions of politics and the judiciary work to offer relief from pain for the winning side of a ballot or court battle. The losing side gets ignored. Neither institution seeks to fully resolve our many underserved needs. Once dependent on impersonal law, we risk getting trapped in pain.

Resolve needs on all sides


Anankelogy recognizes we all have needs. The less our needs resolve, the harder to function individually and as a whole. By addressing all the needs involved, need-response goes beyond mere law or psychotherapy. It more effectively removes pain while raising our shared functioning.

Only ease personal needs


Psychotherapy exists to address the individual, and not so much the larger social or cultural contexts of our many problems. We can change ourselves only so much to fit into a sick society before we must address this sick society. Instead of deferring to impersonal laws, let's get to the needs our laws serve.

Support Group
Disappointed by lawyers? Frustrated by politics? Underserved by counselors? 


Need-response exists as a viable alternative to adversarial law and to divisive politics. Those law-centered approaches too quickly divide us into opposing camps. We will always fail, and those institutions will fail us, when opposing what each other inflexibly needs.



We can do more to relate to these underlying needs, and to support each other's efforts to resolve those needs.  With need-response, we can now work together to solve problems by working together to resolve the underlying needs. One rewarding act of love at a time.

I have spent all my life under a Communist regime and I will tell you that a society without any objective legal scale is a terrible one indeed. But a society with no other scale but the legal one is also less than worthy of man. A society based on the letter of the law and never reaching anything higher fails to take advantage of the full range of human possibilities.

Every law and every authority exists in response to some need. Those needs emerged first as objective reality. You do not choose to be thirsty, for example, but objectively must replenish lost fluids in order to fully function.


All norms and laws regarding water emerged as culturally shaped responses to it. Once your thirst is quenched, you need no authority to tell you how you can quench your thirst. Any authority of law is only as good as it results in resolved needs.

Laws are kept vague to apply to a wide range of situations; they rarely speak to specific needs. Laws are kept impersonal to avoid favoritism; they tend to alienate us from each other's personal needs. Laws are enforced adversarially; they easily provoke our hostility. 

Laws Cannot Resolve Needs

Laws do not resolve needs; people do.

Instead of overgeneralizing law, NR gives you nuance. Instead of impersonal law, NR engages each other's personal needs. Instead of hostilities, NR mutually addresses each other's needs. Instead of sparking understandable anger and spreading more hate, NR nurtures more of each other's love.

As our needs receive due attention, we can then suffer less pain. Less anxiety, less depression, less addictive behaviors. The more our needs resolve, the more our wellness improves. We can then function better and reach more of our personal and shared potential. Laws can guide, but we must do the love.

The Need-Response Process

There is no good nor bad except for need.

Need-response takes you through a cyclic path of

  1. alerting others of its next need-responsive intent,

  2. assessing responsiveness to the identified needs,

  3. auditing competency to legitimately impact such needs, and

  4. avowing to more fully resolve the neglected needs.

This can complement counseling and law enforcement, or compete with these institutions.

Our legal institutions of politics and judiciary tend to keep us trapped in our problems with its low aims.

Need-response aims higher: to resolve needs to remove pain and raise each other's functioning

Our established institutions of law enforcement cannot address or solve every human problem

We rely on the laws and their enforcement, so what's wrong with the law?

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Wellness campaign

A wellness campaign serves as the primary program need-response uses to address your overlooked needs. In five phases, you turn challenging power into supportive power.


1. Your BASE phase to set a foundation.

2. Your ALLY phase to build with your accountability partner.

3. Your TEAM phase to expand your support team.

4. Your GROW phase to include powerful folks to support you.

5. Your GOAL phase to speak truth to power with inspiring love.

Saybackr project

The Anankelogy Foundation aims to create a public platform for anyone to access and benefit from this revolutionary alternative of need-response. The platform is called Saybackr. Click below to learn about this alternative to our hostile legalistic systems.


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